Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fake Hair, Real Hair, Who Cares?

!±8± Fake Hair, Real Hair, Who Cares?

Ok, so imagine my trepidation when I walked into PAX last week and was assaulted on approach in front of staff and customers by the chef (before even getting the chance to order my sandwich) who boldly asked, "Is that all yours?" At first I wondered what he was referring to and whether he was even speaking to me, but then I realized his eyes were fixated on my hair - Well, my lacefront wig that is. Shocked, I then found myself unconsciously stroking my bouncy mane of F427 streaked, curly tendrils while I fished for the right answer. I mean, how does one really answer that question? Technically, it is all mine since I paid for it and after all it is being worn on MY head, but does it actually grow out of my scalp? hmmmm, No. So, do I tell him the truth? If I say "yes", it would only be a little white lie, but I'm really not one for lying, and what if he ironically (with my kind of luck) bumps into me next week when I'm wearing my own natural mane that is the color 1B, and much less shorter and less thicker? I decided to go with the truth, so I answered "No, it's not". His eyes opened in amazement as though saying "No way!!" and I quickly tried to change the subject by attempting to order my sandwich. He then said "You look like you should be on the cover of a magazine". Relieved by his seemingly non-disappointment or disapproval in my choice of fake hair, I smiled and said "thank you", paid and left.

That whole incident had me thinking. First of all, I never would have expected a question like that to come from a man and one who doesn't even know me at that. Why would he care about whether my hair is real or not? But then I remembered all the boyfriends I've had who were obsessed with my hair for some reason. They all dreaded my wigs and weaves and hated the idea that I even liked to wear extensions. One of them said to me, "It makes me think, what else is fake?". After ditching my wig for a relaxer and bone straight coif, another even said to me, in the most relieved tone, "I thought you didn't have any hair". I mean really?? Is is that serious??

I will admit, I used to be one of those girls who swore up and down that I would never wear a weave much less a wig! "That's for the ghetto girls!" I would say. The most I was willing to do however, was wear a "piece" and that was it! All that changed when I participated in the Miss World pageant in 2004. That was my first exposure to the real world of extensions. All the contestants were wearing it. I, with the exception of only a handful were the only ones who were not flaunting a full head of long flowing "pageant hair". So when I was told that I would be going to the Miss Universe Pageant the following year, my pageant director and I decided to step our game up. He contacted Clem Lue Yat, a master hair weaver in New York to upgrade my hair for the pageant and that's when I was introduced to fusion hair. This is the addition of tiny strands of hair to your own hair through the use of the "fusion method" usually glue or micro cylinders. I could not believe the results. I could wash, style, color and cut my hair as I normally would, without even the slightest detection. The hair moved and looked just like my own.

From there, it was no turning back for me. I started wearing weaves, half wigs, clip-in hair and fusion hair on a regular basis and eventually upgraded to lacefront wigs. Though I use them interchangeably, depending on my mood, budget and event, extensions have become a part of my lifestyle and is the best thing that has happened to me for these very practical reasons:

1. My own hair gets a break from damaging chemicals
My own natural hair (yes the one that grows from my scalp) is the healthiest and probably the longest it has ever been in my life and that is because I am able to relieve my hair from damaging relaxers while using wigs or extensions. I now only relax my hair somewhere around every 4 to 6 months instead of weeks. Many of us especially those with black hair, don't realize the damage that is being done to our hair by the chemicals found in many of our hair products on the market today.

2. It gives me versatility and freedom
This is particularly true of lacefront wigs, which you can buy in different styles and colors and pretty much change your look everyday if you so choose to. It is also a quick fix for those times when unsuspecting, unplanned events may pop up which doesn't give you the time to get to the hair salon.

3. It gives me a different look and feel
The good and bad thing about hair is that it can determine your mood. Ever notice how your mood is all funky if you're hair isn't looking right? Wearing extensions allows you to leave your home with great hair and a great attitude without stepping foot into a hair salon.

4. It saves time
For those of us, like me, who dread spending hours at the hair salon or an hour in the mirror styling our hair in the mornings, wearing extensions or a lacefront wig eliminates all that time you would usually spend on your hair. Now you can use that time to do other things like spending more time with the kids, or getting some well deserved extra sleep-time in the mornings.

5. Saves you money
This is my favorite part! With my own hair, I have to see my hair stylist at least once a week or I'll be walking around with flat, lifeless hair which is a "No-No". Wearing extensions or a wig however, is a one-time shot purchase that can last for months!

So a word or two for the guy I last dated, who insisted that I did not need to "impress" him by wearing fake hair, I say: "It's not about you!" and it never was, because I wear my hair to suit me! Extensions have come a long way over the years (They are practically undetectable if done and worn well) and women of all walks of life and ethnicities wear them. That's right, it's not just a black woman thing, nor am I facing an identity crisis. All women even the white and latino wear extensions. My goodness all the celebrities do, even Beyonce and Rihanna are rockin' extensions and lacefront wigs all day, everyday. Joan Rivers even removed hers on live tv during an episode of the Wendy Williams Show.

Extensions have become a lifestyle because it's convenient and cost effective and the best part of all, it makes us feel and look great! So don't judge us because we choose to wear a wig here and clip some hair in there. Our hair does not define us, so whether it is "real" or "fake" should not matter. We need to lose the taboo. In defense of my fellow black extension wearing divas and to the rest of you bold, daring women out there who have embraced this wonderful world of hair extensions I say: "You go girls!"

Fake Hair, Real Hair, Who Cares?

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Cheap and Proven Home Hair Care Options

!±8± Cheap and Proven Home Hair Care Options

Considered as a woman's crowning glory, the hair plays an essential role in every woman's life. Based on recent studies, 78% of man would refer to the hair as the part that captures their first attention and the one that would gauge a woman's appeal and attractiveness. Hence, it is no wonder why women would go to great measures in making sure that their hair is looking at its best. However, going to the salon is not cheap. In addition, most of the products they use are synthetic, not natural. Thus, an increasing number of women are now veering to home hair care treatments and remedies that are made of natural products that will not cost you a lot, and which you can easily find in stores, shopping malls and your surrounding environment.

Nature has indeed bestowed us with so many things that help us in enhancing our well-being. Aside from the fact that these natural home hair care remedies are free, or for some, not as expensive as synthetic products; they also do not trigger side effects or cause problems in the long run. You don't have to buy because you can make it yourself. Healthy, safe, and affordable; these homemade hair care remedies and treatments are surefire ways to get a hair that is healthy, strong, and beautiful.

There are several home hair care ideas available for you. The type of home natural product you would need would also depend on your hair type. Whether it is dry, oily, or balanced; your hair will have varying needs, thus it will need a corresponding natural hair care treatment that is appropriate for it. However, with a lot of options, which among them is the best? So, to give an overview, here are some of the most trusted and proven home hair care remedies and treatments that can be used in keeping your tresses looking at its finest.

Hair growth: Mix coconut milk and aspirin and put it in your hair for 2 hours. Rinse after. Another option would be to wash your hair with either peppermint or spearmint tea.

Avoid split ends: Put flat beer in your hair, after which you will wrap it in a towel for 1-2 hours. Rinse after. Do this twice a month.

Avoid hair loss: Apply raw egg and olive oil. Mix it together and apply it to the hair.

Retain hair color: Use rosemary. It is one of the most common home hair care products.

Dry hair: Mix honey with 2 cups of fresh cream to add shine to your hair.

Dandruff: Mix a teaspoon of castor with mustard and coconut oil. Apply the mixture directly by massaging it to the scalp.

Oily hair: Regularly wash hair with multaani mitti, to help reduce oil and clean the scalp.

Balanced hair: To achieve a balanced hair, it is best to integrate zinc, raw vegetables, and fruit in your diet. Also make it a point to hydrate by regularly drinking water.

With these natural home hair care treatments you are sure to achieve healthy and beautiful locks without having to spend a lot of bucks. You can do these along with the use of other hair care products for better results.

Cheap and Proven Home Hair Care Options

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Friday, November 25, 2011

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